A view on Fishing,Community and Life on the NW coast of Scotland

Caught a little bit by surprise when the last post did the rounds. Did not think there was anything out of the ordinary but the comments about the NC500 certainly struck a chord with one or two people. Maybe worth adding a comment or two regarding this. I live, work and enjoy a part of the world that is simple and awesome. Today for example I’ve been catching langoustine in a stiff northerly with bonxies circling around me and in a couple of hours I am heading for the maelstrom which is Applecross Inn. There is no wonder that so many people head this way and eat local seafood that is so well cooked and presented. I have regarded living here a privilege and welcome people who make the effort to come here. Whether they be Tweeds or Neds I would welcome all without prejudice. If misbehaving then that is different and to be honest there is more bad behaviour amongst the Tweeds. What we have tried to do with NC500 is to upload a bit of education for the drivers now on our single track roads, the genie is out of the bottle. We need the NC500 to put info up on their website that should alert drivers to the etiquette of single track drivers. So far for some unknown reason they are reluctant to do this. The info is out there in Road Safety Scotland leaflets, also,http://www.scotlandinfo.eu/driving-single-track-roads-in-scotland/ videos on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQZownCGnYg plus info regards lambing season etc. Additional info in not putting stickers on road signs, obscuring vital directions and conditions can be easily added. Unfortunately the NC500 seems to be tied into another 500 and we have seen a huge increase in high performance cars. Again welcome but they should remember they are not on the Indy500, not travelling in close order convoys and generally should try to behave like most other members of the driving public. Back to the tweeds again. Really does not help that the headline picture on the website is of a close-knit convoy of high performance cars crossing the Kylesku Bridge. Such a fine balance welcoming visitors to your homeland to eat your produce allowing you to live here in comfort and realising there is an outside influence that is in danger of upsetting the current equilibrium.

The whole week has been taken up with work at sea and surviving the migraine, today back at sea, early start trying to avoid the north wind,


and as the weather fairly poor meaning fewer boats out on the water


I was surrounded by many more bonxies fighting for the bait. I had taken a fleet back on board yesterday and finished it off this morning before battering up the Sound hauling three fleets on the way. Fortunate that the fishing is still okay with plenty smaller langoustine still around. As I am heading down the road on Monday/Tuesday for a bit of fishing politics/environmentalism in Edinburgh it was good to land at the Inn which should keep them on the menu till I come back. Good to see several flatties coming up and may be getting a little bigger.


Ashore despite the northerly breezes the spring has definitely sprung with the bees flying and the trees are showing their buds, apple,


pear, cherry


and plum are all out. They were out last year but were caught out by a blast from the east with shifted many buds of the trees making for a poor harvest. One year I may beat the birds to the cherries. On Thursday evening there was a fine end to the evening out west,


the other side of the NC500 were the seven on the Big Table….cyclists doing the 500 and had 6x oysters and 7x langoustine. What we will never know is would the Inn be full without this advertising, I suspect it would. I hope the less well served communities who will benefit from more business will appreciate just that and also appreciate our predicament. I was followed all the way into the moorings this morning by the soaring bonxies,


although fairly harsh predators in their world I love watching them soar


round the Varuna keeping an eye out for any potential snacks.



Comments on: "NC500 (again) and Soaring Bonxies." (2)

  1. Janet Lamb said:

    Publicity is always a double edged sword. You want to keep a community vibrant but you don’t want to ruin what attracts people to it in the first place. Applecross survived Monty Halls but the NC500 might create even more pressure on the area. I fear for the every day activities of the locals who will find it increasingly difficult to get about or to enjoy a pint or a meal in ‘their local’. This week I have noticed a marked deterioration in manners out and about on the roads. This might be due to ignorance in how to use single track roads but there also seems to be some displays of selfishness and even arrogance. I have even seen litter when walking along the roads. Visitors should respect this beautiful area and the locals that live in it otherwise resentment might grow amongst people who have always been so welcoming.

    • applecrosslifeattheedge said:

      That is one of the keys to driving around here….consideration of other drivers. Does not matter how you or they drive they may be doing something that is vitally important. Just acknowledging fellow drivers is common courtesy. I have only one guy in the community who does not do that and is a reflection on his own character. Going to be trying times in the near future, short term challenge.

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