A view on Fishing,Community and Life on the NW coast of Scotland

Good Company but no Prawns.

Don’t mind if I go fishing. The backdrop to the start of the day takes your mind of the severe lack of langoustines.


The “hired help”, who stacked with little instruction,


made sure the hauler was going at full speed and we were in at sunset.


Comments on: "Good Company but no Prawns." (4)

  1. With views and weather like that you should offer ‘working’ fishing trips. Make money and get help at the same time! 🙂 Though good old Health and Safety might forbid that I guess.

    • applecrosslifeattheedge said:

      But I only like company now and again!!! Get all the company I want at the Inn. Cheers anyway.

  2. It has been gloriously beautiful here, too — trees shining in a hoarfrost coat beneath a perfect blue winter sky.

    Sorry about the langoustine… but ‘let them eat venison’? (And ain’t help grand!)

    • applecrosslifeattheedge said:

      A week and it has all changed weatherise but still no langoustine. No worries have long since accepted I work in nature and not a supermarket where I go down an aisle and fill a basket. Venison for Christmas dinner hopefully.

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